What Is True Love
< Love encompasses all aspects of our lives.
Many nay sayers will state that it destroys lives, and albeit it has destroyed a many, it was not love itself but all the emotions that ensue once love is lost that starts the downward spiral that leads to destruction.
Love itself in it's purest form, unconditional, unadulterated, is the ultimate aphrodisiac in all its glory.
It is what operas sing about, what stories are written about, what love songs dream about.
Such love is hard to come by, a rare commodity.
It is a treasure that has been sought after since the existence of man.
Why? What is true love that the world is forever searching for and cannot find nor keep?
Love is a feeling an emotion, a cry deep in your heart to connect to another heart.
True love alongside the aforementioned is a choice. A choice to love when times are hard, when times are bleak and dismal.
True love is a choice to fight till the end. True love demands warriors.
True love is being transparent, being open to the possibility that you will be wounded to the core of your very soul and still cry out, I love you.
True love is not for the faint of heart, it is for the brave, the daring, the strong, the romantics, the dreamers and yes, the fools.
Contemplating life without true love is contemplating life without a heart. Impossible.