What Kind of Man?
Beware the Boob Man
For he’s shallow…and a little juvenile
The Leg Man is sensual
And can’t hold a conversation
The Butt Guy
Just wants sex
Correction: Just wants some ass
Watch out for the Foot Dude
Cuz that’s…
…well that’s just weird.
No one likes toe grime
The Vagina Man is smart
Intelligent even
Knows his facts
But tends to forget the big picture
Make sure he doesn’t forget
The rest
The Neck Guy is great in bed
He maybe in bed
With more than just you
The Eye Man is lovely
Simple, tactful, and sincere
He loves walks on the beach
And romantic dinners too
But this man…
He sees perfection
But doesn’t forgive
He may never notice your ass sag
But what happens
When you need glasses?
The Back Man
Is artistic
In his attraction
He can see the sexuality, the sensuality, the spirituality
And the mingling of the three
While he finger-steps over your back
He’ll hold your hand
Making love
And kiss your chin
The strength of a back
The smooth lines
The soft touch
The Back Man knows
It doesn’t receive much
It’s a place where
The entire body convenes
To convulse
To contort
To contribute
To control
To lose control
Where it holds no absolute confidence
Where it holds all conviction