What Matters Most
I'm not in competition with anyone
I have no wish to play the game
Or of being better than anyone
I am just trying to be better
Than the person I was yesterday
If I can accomplish that goal
My life has been a great success
Fame and fortune are fleeting
What's important when your time is up
Is the kind of person your were
Not the dollars in your bank account
But how many lives you affected
In a positive manner
How many people you made smile
With those silly bits of nonsense
Those moments are worth
All the wealth one can garner
In a whole entire lifetime
When that final day arrives
You'll be remembered for your humility
Your kindness and your positive nature
In a world that needs it oh so badly
No one is beyond reproach
But I sincerely hope I'll be remembered
As a caring loving person
Who enjoyed my life to the fullest
© Jack Ellison 2014