Love Poem: What Might Be Seen
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

What Might Be Seen

Natural predication
greets sacred promise
to restore peaceful justice.

Omnipresent predication
greets polypathic promise
for restoring love as grace-filling justice.

Omnipotently disintegrative powers
of HellFire prediction
too quickly settle for monoculturing retribution,
due to FallenNature's past spiritual sins
in absence of paid-forward
gift economies
for notnot co-arising
Sacred Win-Win Grace.

This monoculturing
monotheistic Win-Lose path
is littered with remains,
fossils for patriarchal still-burning altars
and nuclear domestic ballistic economies
of traumatic retribution
rather than therapeutic salvation.

Even before nature-spirit polytheists emerged,
First RNA Nation Trees
within continental forests
held seasonal Earth renewal ceremonies,
water baptism healing circles,
cooperative nutrition networks.

Original forest societies
creolized healthy soil and air and water
rather than colonizing frontiers
with monoculturing missionary zeal
of empire-building vines and weeds
staging a violent strangling coupe
producing degenerative global outcomes.

Trees do not need,
or benefit from,
Fake-Messianic entitlements
to own appropriated property for a good public cause,
to enslave for a just war,
to exploit for a better financial return,
to colonize for greater nation-state empowerment,
to piratize the poor on behalf of the Pharisees,
to vanquish and destroy
Earth's indigenous sacred wisdom.

A Nationalistic Manifest Destiny
not informed by natural-spiritual forest wisdom,
cannot be truthfully called
a Sacred Manifest Destiny
for all living residents.

Our continental
and trans-continental histories
of LeftBrain conquest
are also herstories
of RightBrain creolization,
of cooperative interrelationship understories,
of EarthCentric giving back integrity of ownership
to cooperatively invest
less in competitive EmpireBuilding,
Yang Triumphant Wealth
of YinForest sacred virgin oppression.

Nationalistic flags do not wave
for deep matriotic relationships
within and among forests.
Patriotic flags
are for naming and claiming,
for blaming and shaming Other's flagging lack
of uniform patriotic competing relationships.

What Patriarchs
have claimed for HolyEmpire's Manifest Destiny,
MatrioticForests resonate
with HolyPromised Land
already here
before RedCoats
lost to Blue and Grey UnCivil Commodification Coats
on our way toward military-industrialized camouflage
uniformly dissonant chaos
covering up fake-patriotic absence of integrity.

Purist WhiteHats and SupremacistCoats 
waving flags of ownership
while killing native health
of older and wiser forests.

We renamed our sacred forest spirits
after mortal colonizers
with violently protected self-manifest destinies
giving themselves legal rights,
so remarkably generous!
to blow up natural-spiritual interdependence
in just a few degenerative decades,
denuding any sacred signs
of our humane-divine
extending family sacred interrelationships.

Green pastures and healthy waters
of supremacist patriotic destiny
are threatened by natural-spiritual deep relationship
now learning our humane-divine
left-right sacred balancing place.

Sensing LeftBrain entitlement
is no reasonable substitute
for RightBrain sacred authority,
to not degenerate Earth's forests
and polluted oceans.

Democratic rights
and publicly agreed Constitutional wrongs
are on behalf of
cooperative sacred Welfare
of all enlightened resident Tribes and Species,
prohibiting rights to kill
as ballistic wrongs,
violently self-sadistic,

Far from actively seeking restorative EarthPeace
and True-Messiah CoRedemptive Justice.