What My Grandma Said-F
I never knew her as a big talker,
but to me, she was a very keen
observer and one great listener.
I have always remembered the 8 words
she said when sending us to the store.
She’d say, “Go in a haste; come in a pace”.
As a kid at the time, I never questioned what
she meant by those words. Like my siblings,
I simply listened to her, and away I went.
I didn’t know if she was trying to be poetic
or encouraging us to get the job done quickly.
But now I know that she was a great teacher.
To me, those 8 words have taught me lessons
in life. I have always heard that “Haste makes waste”
So, Grandma wasn’t telling us to hurry up.
In my departure, she was saying, "Get on with it; get it done”. And upon my return, she was saying, “Have a sense of order and precision as you return”.
I must say that as I look back over my life, I can say,
Thank you, Grandma, I did what you said in the way
you told me to. I had the initiative to pursue my
dreams; and with a sense of timing, order, and
organization, I got things done”.