What the Future Holds??
He never knew what the future holds,
As he took the steps on the path unknown..!!
With a face that has a glow,
Little did he know there sits an angel,
Nothing like any man had ever known..!!
The first look in her eyes and he lost his heart;
The first words and the time turned slow,
He found the love he always looked for..!!
Days went by and he was happy,
Happy that he saw everyday who he adore..!!
The world was never this beautiful,
A joy that he had never felt before..!!
That day he was sad as he didn’t see her,
He walked alone with thoughts making him cry..!!
Then the little birdie sang,
It was in sweet voice of the Angel..!!
The day was bright again and smiles were back;
His soul was fresh, as his new life began..!!
Each day the birdie came with reasons to smile,
Love began blowing with the wind;
As if she had used a magic wand..!!
The first day of the New Year finally they met,
No one else knew just the two of them;
That day was the first but was their secret..!!
Never did he feel what he felt when she smiled,
With every word she said made his soul sooth..!!
Her touch made his soul rejoice,
She touched his heart the way only an Angel could..!!
His days started listening to her voice,
Every day he woke up early just to see her asleep..!!
Just be with her he did everything a mortal could,
A single tear in was enough to make him weep..!!
He loved her more than anyone he ever loved before,
What family? What friends?
He left all just to be with her..!!
Then, she fell in love..!!
In love with the one,
The one all knew always on a hunt for new doves..!!
She left the one, who left the world for her,
But, she fell in love..!!
No one to blame but he himself..,
He loved an angel..;
Being a mere mortal..!!
He never knew what the future held,
Now, it’s time for the final good bye..!!