What To Do
Love me,
For who I am.
Tell me you’re,
My loving man.
Kiss me,
And make my knees go weak.
When I’m sad,
It’s you I seek.
Hug me,
When I’m down.
Tell me you’ll always,
Be around.
Hold me close,
As I cry.
Don’t let go,
Until my eyes are dry.
Let me sit on your lap,
And play with my hair.
Always tell me that,
You’ll always care.
Hold my hand,
To let me know you care.
In your eyes,
Is where I love to stare.
Tell me I’m beautiful,
Instead of I’m hot.
Tell me I’m all,
That you need and got.
Tell me you love me,
To make me smile.
Tell me I’m the one,
You’re gonna walk down the aisle.
Tell me that you need me,
And tell me we’ll never part.
Tell me I’m the only one,
That’s always in your heart.
Cuddle with me on the couch,
Until we fall asleep.
But before you go to sleep,
Gently kiss me on the cheek.
Give me your coat,
When you see that I’m cold.
Stay with me,
Until we get old.
Take me to your house,
And sit and hold me in your arms.
Kiss me softly,
While you amaze me with your charm.
Tickle me while we’re sitting there,
Just to hear me laugh.
Always tell me that without me,
You’d be missing your other half.
Kiss my neck gently,
Then kiss my cheek.
Cause everytime you touch me,
My heart skips a beat.
Stare into my eyes,
While holding my hand.
Take me away,
To a faraway land.
Stick up for me,
When I get in a fight.
Always know that,
That is right.
Be there for me,
When I need you the most.
To tell me I’m the best girl,
You would’ve ever chose.
If you do these things,
It shows that you’re a man.
That would do anything for his women,
Or at least what he can.