What Whispers the Wind.
The winds is too haunting
its dour, dreary and daunting
its voiceless song is wanting
for souls to listen it flaunting
Its whistling tunes that play
eerie melodies of dismay
oft sweet, oft an angered fray
they beckon me to come away
From my souls lone sojourn
where the ashes never burn
to reach out for what I yearn
learning to forget, to unlearn
The winds are too disturbing
and the chills are unnerving
so guilty and undeserving
of memories they're reserving
They are calm as moonlight
and a lonely souls delight
whispering sharp yet slight
with many a secret to confide
And I listen with attention rapt
at the words so true and apt
to souls that the winds trapped
that apprehensively adapt
The winds are so tantalizing
mystic, musical and surprising
tapering and quickly rising
hypnotic and channelizing
They bring what we forget
all our pain and our regret
words meant to remain unsaid
truths and the lies we dread
They are calling me desperately
the song turns a woeful plea
and I wish it would swallow me
with the whispers I long to flee
And be a secret of the breeze
the incessant mourns that freeze
the souls passing by the trees
the singer that no one sees
Setting my shivering soul aflame
my minds peace it can't reclaim
at times it whispers Your name
subtly, I whisper back the same.