What Will I Say If I Don'T Give God My Best
What Will I Say, If I Don’t Give God My Best?
What will I say… If I don’t give God my best?
I have been found “guilty.” This I will confess!
What will I say… When I stand before God’s throne?
Have I allowed him to be the lord of my heart and home?
What will I say… For the many sins I’ve committed.
Christ offers his blood to have them all “omitted.”
What will I say… For this life I’ve been given?
I’ve had many chances to have my sins forgiven!
What will I say… For rejecting God’s love and grace?
I’ve tried my best to remain in a “hiding place.”
What will I say… When to God I give an account?
As the trials and pressures of life began to mount?
What will I say… To a God who loves and cares?
During my life, I wanted God “out of there!”
What will I say… That day when God calls my name?
For all I’ve done. Will I bow my head in shame?
This I will say… I’ve made a firm decision!
Living for God… Is now going to be my daily mission!
This I’m going to say…. And I want it to be known!
I’m going to serve my Lord Jesus and him alone!
This I’m going to say… And I wish you’d do it to!
I’m going to shout out loud;
“Jesus I sure LOVE YOU!”
This I will say and have made my choice so clear!
My life has totally changed that day my sins disappeared!
By Jim Pemberton