What Would Life Really Mean
This is my living will
No matter what this is what's real
If I can't live with out a machine
Then what could my life really mean
If with out them I will quickly die
Please unplug them and say Good Bye
Because logically my life is done
Living with tubes and all the noise won't be fun
And no matter how hard it may be
Please unplug them for me
Life has been good even at it's worst
I have been Blessed as much as cursed
Made friends in many places
Don't remember all the names but can see all the faces
I have seen Joy Love Laughter and Hate
And what I want isn't up for debate
Please remember after I am gone
May be not one thing from my life will carry on
But the ones I Loved know it all to well
I am begging for heaven but may end up in hell
Either way so many people and places I did touch
About some kind of return I didn't care much
I just want you to promise me
You'll unplug the machine and set me free
This my best friend is not pretend
Please hold my hand and kiss me in the end
Without you I couldn't have gotten this far
You know just exactly who you are
Please don't you shed not even one little tear
Unplug me and remember I'll always be near
Even though my body you won't see
In your time of need you can count on me
I will watch over you every day
Trying to be sure happy and safe you will stay
Now you know my final wish
Let it end with an I LOVE YOU , a Hug And Kiss!
So please don't let me down
In all these years your the best friend I could have ever found!
An Uncle Charlie Original
© 2011 unclecharlie