Love Poem: What You Can'T Teach Me About
Kipngeno Robin Avatar
Written by: Kipngeno Robin

What You Can'T Teach Me About

Something so fragile but strong,
Something I'll always protect,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the reason I stand strong,
Bold and confident she makes me,
Joke with me but not with her.

I'm always armed to teeth,
In readiness for her safety,
Joke with me but not with her.

My food she cooks so well,
With no intention of adding poison,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's a daughter of a king,
But I treat her as a royalty,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the one I entrust with my kids,
The one who'll nurture them well,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the one who stood with me,
When all were running away,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the one who accepted me,
She others rejected me,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the one who gave me light of hope,
When nothing seemed to add up,
Joke with me but not with her

She sleeps comfortably beside me,
Because I promised to stand for her,
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the one I'll die for,
There nothing you'll tell me about it
Joke with me but not with her.

She's the one I've known for long,
She understands me at all times,
Joke with me but not with her.

@Tha Formidable Cheru.