Love Poem: Whatever Happened To Wine and Roses
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Written by: Jackie Furgason

Whatever Happened To Wine and Roses

You welcome me with a bouquet of
 red roses.
 We go to a nice dinner,
 clinking our wine glasses
 enjoying each others company.

  At home,We put on soothing music.
  Carefully you take me into your arms,
  Gently you give me a tender kiss.
  Holding me,caressing me, making me feel
  so loved. 

  Oh how I miss this,,the kiss, the touching,,
  the feeling of love radiating between us. 

  But sadly, I don't see this anymore.
  Just a knock on the door ,,going for a burger,
  checking out a movie.
  coming home ,,maybe a kiss ,,,No talking,,No romancing
  "sighs" Where did it all go?