Whatever the Cost
Only God etches the lasting tattoos in the walls of the heart.
If doors remain unlocked,
that's the name of the one,
that compels a fresh start.
Free room and board, and a free ride,
saves money up front.
But without love,
it just leads to another hunt.
It's time to get off the boat,
that is still adrift.
Learn how to write together,
an award winning script.
I want a hand to hold down memory lane.
Real not imagined,
only way to win the game.
Do we really care,
where we go and what we see?
As long as there is acceptance,
of you as you, and me as me.
Can't we get past looking at our wrinkled skin?
Start looking again, what lies within.
Can't we feel again a trust we had then lost?
Isn't this the most valuable gift,
whatever the cost?