Whatever Your Faith Is
Whatever your faith is share my cheer,
it's the kindest and noblest gesture that's shown once a year:
it declares peace to each one hiding fears;
this restless Earth below the bright sky has seen many tears!
Today as yesterday everyone dreams of the Lost Paradise,
where the happiest couple loved with the deepest sentiment and purity;
and they had no need to ask their Creator for anything else:
is our wish the same as theirs? No, we're loveless and full of infidelity!
Whoever your God is glorify Him with prayers,
pray to no mad God of war to whom some swears their allegiance;
wouldn't it be nice to know that even wild lions
will lay with sheep to end all destruction and bring lasting peace?
We have to change our old selfish ways
and show kindness towards others who are helpless and sad;
pride is worthless and only builds walls...
love everybody as yourself, give all you have and be blessed!
Whatever your faith is share my cheer,
three's only one day that it can be announced so happily:
it's Christmas day for those far and near...
hold someone's hand when those bells start to ring joyfully!