What's Love Got To Do With It
What’s love got to do with it?
I say everything
You need love between friends
You need love with family
You need love with children
You need love in marriage
You need love in relationships
Our everyday life consist of love
But why do we see broken families
Why are children begging on the street
Why is divorce at such a high percentage
Why is it that a young man is still looking for his father
Why is it that a young lady go to bed at night crying because her father has another family
Why? Why? Why?
If this is you? tell me what went wrong
Can this be fixed if love is around
What’s love got to do with it? EVERYTHING
And when you found that love whether it is in friendship/family/ a boyfriend/girlfriend or marriage
You hold on to it and cherish that love because the world out there has made love look impossible
But it’s not you can find love the problem that we have is that we seek perfect love
The perfect boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/friends etc. And that is why people walk around empty
BUT……… The bible says in 1 John 4:8 (NIV)
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
Search for God in your quiet moments experience His love and allow Him to show you how to love and be loved