What's the Hue of Your Heart - Question Mark
What’s the Hue of Your Heart?
Does ‘claim’ to be ‘___’ (1) not suggest one’s more Racist?
The Truth’s we’re all mongrels (and born of one mother!),
whatever our ‘Color.’ ‘Eve’ might have been monkey!
Best Science won’t lie (Evolution’s still hazy!)
Is ‘White’ or just ‘Pale’ the more ‘rich’ appellation?
Should language divide us or seek to blend angels?
My wish, ‘more were color blind,’ makes me a Fascist,
attacking divisions means I’m not your brother?
Does love of prosperity make one Death’s lackey
if wealth is preserved in a world that’s not crazy,
and Love blesses all? Is God’s Grace calculation
that serves to control us, Grace lies, thrives on angles?
Does Grace (that Christ died for) suggest you’re deserving?
Lord, color us humble, who struggle with pride that
we’re ‘Whiter,’ more prosperous, charming, and smarter
than thrall of Eve’s children whose blessings look scattered
on ‘day of their birth.’ Who provisions himself, Lord,
from gifts we deserve, gifts Grace dreams we’ll let serve us?
Man’s colors aren’t Race, just supremacist blindness,
that justifies meanness (war’s rape via broadsword),
thanks God for meek slain and frail innocence tattered,
the treasure that’s captured when brotherhood’s martyred.
Race covets a place at Hell’s gate as a doormat
(as Heaven’s more stringent!) Christ does the reserving!
Long Tooth
January 24th in 2021
Poet’s Notes:
(1) Substitute the color of your choice, ‘Red,’ ‘White,’ ‘Blue,’
etc., and you’ve made my poem worth my effort!
(2) In these post-Trump days of such blatant racism, it might be
easy for some to bemoan even our “White House” as one more
racist symbol from our shameful past that we still have not dealt
with thoroughly! This is evidenced by our ongoing suppression
of Black Voters in America and attacks on our Constitution!
I thank God that most racists are too uneducated to know that
white and black are not even real colors but the reflection (or
non-reflection) of all visible light.