What's the Problem
What's the problem with homelessness,
other than the violence from which it comes
and toward which it further travels?
Why not ignore
and grow tolerance
for the inevitability of caravans
of sojourners
on pilgrimage
toward mirages
of Uniting Promised Lands?
I have more immediately pressing
everyday problems--
trimming my nails,
drying the laundry
on a rainy non-clothesline day,
raking the leaves,
mowing the lawn,
sweeping the front porch
to invite the occasional visitor,
harvesting the squash,
pulling voracious weeds,
cleaning, the gutters, rain-barrels, the truck...
feeding the birds, the kids, the garden soil...
clothing the hungry barefoot kids,
doing my nails...
Did I say that one already?
These are my at-risk immigrating priorities,
my everyday interdependent pilgrims,
projects longing for a more integral,
mutually inviting,
even possibly ecstatic?,
climaxing! healthy purpose.
Lawn and leaves, con-joined
birds and children, singing back and forth
wet porches and clothes
and dirty rain-barrels and gutters,
tired and depressed
sleep-deprived visitors
right here at my doorstep
sharing our cooperatively therapeutic planet
with whatever climate health remains
before traveling further
regenerative and degenerative pilgrimages
of decomposing choice,
no alternative
homeless choicelessness.
Homelessness is too big
to therapeutically share alone.
I am too small to host
and everyday depressing
compressed to receive,
to accept with impressed renewing eyes
longing for healthy integrity
throughout my extensive habitat
of deeply
cooperatively owned responsibilities
to co-produce common healthy outcomes
for ourselves
and all our caravans,
and wildly foreign,
Internal climate pilgrimage toward integrity with beauty
and external co-empathic journeys
into wayfare homelessness,
timeless Earth enchanting trusts
and disenchanting mistrusts
while cleaning my nails
while washing the truck.