What's Under Your Tree
It was in the glorious heavenly
realm that a very special and
unique relationship was formed.
The Son knew that He must
become the perfect sacrifice
so His Father could be adorned.
But such a safe and secure haven
this was for the Son, who knew
that His time would eventually come.
Like a larvae enveloped by the
protective cocoon, or the newborn
nestled in it's mother's womb, He
was...... content, trying not to think
of the undeniably heavy work to be done.
Surely it was here in this pristine
place that the Son was meant to be,
a very integral part of the famed,
yet mostly mysterious trinity.
Hangin' with His Dad and the
heavenly hosts provided so
much joy---- really --- must He leave?
Oh yes, in fact the hour had come
that brought upon the Son much
grief and trepidation.He must exit His
"comfort zone" and completely acquiesce
to the will of His Father. Oh, must
there be this indelible alienation?
You see, the Father could easily see
how man had messed up his destiny
by living for himself, no real purpose in
mind,even jeopardizing his very eternity.
An example, a prototype, was needed
for dark and decrepid man to detect the
errors of his ways, perhaps deter God's wrath.
Who better than God's perfect Son to be
man's "super - hero", coming to shameless
earth to assist him.... to light his path.
Most amazing is the method by which
God elected to fulfill this much needed plan.
All because of His overwhelming love for man.
He did not set the Son atop a majestic
white stallion as the mighty and acclaimed
King of the world, or even amidst a multitude
of seraphim with sacred banners unfurled.
But instead, He allowed that His Son be
revealed to mankind in the most humble of ways....
in the form of a baby,even yet the Ancient of Days,
born in a lowly manger since, from the inn,
His mother and father had been turned away.
Oh, but most certainly He deserved a more
grandiose entrance, one with much pomp
and circumstance. For indeed this was God
incarnate, presenting Himself to man so he
might live an abundant life, full of meaning
and purpose, not just one of happenstance.
But oh let the world rejoice with heart and
soul and voice. For the Prince of Peace,
Emmanuel was born and thus....Christmas morn.
The most precious gift there could ever be,
one for you and for me, is one that
can not be found under any tree.