Love Poem: When a Simple God Bless You Isn'T Enough
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

When a Simple God Bless You Isn'T Enough

I’m here to tell you that when
 “the going get’s rough…”
A simple, “God bless you!”
  May not be enough!

Just when you think things in life 
are getting you down…
And perhaps there’s “not a friend 
anywhere to be found…”

Perhaps…  Right now…  
You find yourself right there!
Let me encourage you to try some prayer!

Jesus is as close as the mention 
of his name!
With him in control…  
Things will never be the same!

He’ll speak peace to the raging 
waters of life’s ocean…
And will give to you… His 100% “love potion!”

He’ll bring peace and healing
 to your heart and home.
He’s always there with you.  
You’re NEVER alone!

The chains of discouragement 
will simply disappear…
His perfect love will cast out all fear!

He’ll pick up the pieces
of life that are broken...
As you allow his words of love 
and hope to be spoken.

He’ll do for you what no 
power or god can do…
He’s here right now
He’s waiting for YOU!

By Jim Pemberton