When Doves Cry
Perhaps they mourn and long for a life mate,
one that does not end with merely a few dates.
One commandment says not to witness falsely or lie.
For that reason, I cannot say that doves really cry.
So, a sound is made for a loving romantic connection,
one that will be pure and wholesome without rejection.
Somewhat similar to the behavior of the human species,
except that we find ways and means that cause us to leave.
Tear-ducks and watery eyes do not a cry make,
but there could be 'mate-longings' causing heartaches.
It's not proven that they have tears of emotion,
but perhaps they have proof enough of their devotion.
Indeed, their relationship is lifelong with far less commotion.
Noah used a dove to verify the readiness of the earth's surface,
resulting in a new beginning for all life including the human race.
God used a dove to indicate the descent of the Holy Spirit from above.
Want a picture of innocence and harmlessness? Take a snapshot of a dove.