When He Hides His Face, Part Iv
God moves on, and works even
with those who left Him,
like Moses with his fancy
Egyptian ways--God reels him in,
knowing deep down that Moses
is a holy man--then sends the
plagues and parts the sea to
make the ones He chose free.
Ah, and to repay the favor,
while Moses climbs up and up
(and God now shows only as
a burning bush, face hidden!),
the people party, party hard!
They melt their rings, earrings,
all the gold they got to make
what? An idol, a stupid golden
calf that didn't do a damn thing
to get their butts outta Egypt!
Sure, God must have been pissed
(and maybe brokenhearted again)
but Moses was livid! Smashed those
tablets God Himself wrote on, and
probably felt like smashing more
than a few dumb-heads as well!
So God goes away,or so it seems--
no longer making personal appearances,
instead seeing how humans get along
on their own... not well it seems:
wars, oppression, poverty, despair
(any of this sound familiar?)
until one day He sends His own son,
the apple of His eye, His beloved
sweet-tempered child, AND He sends
him to save the world, yet
NOT ALL AT ONCE-- (something both
believers and deniers may forget)
but one person, one soul at a time
for that is how God relates--
He may hide His face, but not His voice.