When I Dream
Yes dear I dream
I dream and sometimes scream
For your dream to dream in me
For in my dream there lives that me
That me there is never free
Of the worldly wishes and desires
Of your kisses and smiles to acquire
Of your fragnance that rules
All my world, the warmth and the cools
The fire that glows in my eyes
The passion that never dies
The burning obsession of love that kills
Every limits, every rule that the world builts
The world that lives behind that dream
Is fierce as hell and silenced with quell
So every piece of the heart, wishes that dream
To live rather, this world full of gream
The snow will fall, paint out the world
The heart will still be gloomy and dull
The dream of yours only cheers it all
Just shadow of love just clears it all
Its the world that I just dream
Its in the dream in which I scream