When I Get To Heaven
When I get to heaven
My joyful home up there
I won’t be filled with worry
Fear won’t have any hold on me
When I get to heaven
My heart will be praising forever
Always alive with the light of love
That serves God’s only Son
When I get to heaven
There my spirit will be set free
I’ll rest upon my Savior
Forever happy and complete
When I get to heaven
The enemy will no longer get to me
He’ll be far away from my spirit
Unable to fill me with regret
When I get to heaven
My faith will be granted it’s gift
Knowledge that Jesus is with me
Throughout eternity, forever there
When I get to heaven
There isn’t a doubt I’ll run to Him
With a feeling I can’t even imagine
Because it will so beautifully fill me
When I get to heaven
My heart will finally be home
I’ll know what it means to really love
With a love that is strong and sound
When I get to heaven
The light of love with abound
With warmth that comforts and assures
My life will forever be so good
When I get to heaven
His praises I will sing eternally
Always giving Him my best talents
As a way of thanking Him for His grace