When I Look Into the Mirror
When I look into the mirror
I don't see who others see, I dont see who I want to be.
Their are two vacant eyes staring back at me in wonder
while a wind quite more like a breeze blows away my reflection
that was but a cloud of dust. I see many meaningless remains, particals
that block my view as doth a heavy fog and I turn away in disgust
for the meaningless is all that I see. Understanding has evaded me.
When I look into the mirror
I dont see any beauty, I don't see any confusion.
I see many misunderstood tears falling from those vacant eyes down
cheeks of nothingness only to evaporate into wonder.
I've gone astray and the way I see no more, the wonder is that of
wonders within this emptiness that takes hold of me. If my way
I can see no more, how is it that I am yet led?
When I look into the mirror
Beyond the blown away me through the remains, particals of dust,
I see a flicker of light not yet clear and my doubt quickly drives it
away. Yet somehow now that I no longer see that which was but a flicker
of light, I see a light which burns as doth a torch.
Deep inside I feel a strength forming and it's telling me of a
Love that is unlike any other and that this love, loves me.
When I look into the mirror
I see before me one who is unworthy yet encompassed by a love
so very strong and quite unmeasureable to a mortal as I.
This love unlike any other speaks right to my heart as it's heart
reaches out to mine. It rests upon me even in my darkest hours.
Just when I feel that I can no longer hold on, this love that is
unlike any other shows to me it's hand of mercy that will never let me go.
When I look into the mirror:
Those meaningless remains, particals that blocked my view as doth a heavy
fog, I see no more. The light that burns as doth a torch can never be
extinguished, it will burn brighter with every flicker of light
that my doubt may drive away. It is not the fuel by which this torch burns
but it feeds the flame as it's hunger is devouring. Unquenchable it seems.
Fueled by that Love that is unlike any other.
When I look into the mirror
I am within loves heart and I wonder how loving me can be so simple
for this Love that is unlike any other?
I see truth and understanding standing beside me, my heart is clasped
tightly in loves hand!
A sinner indeed yet loved so simply by Love that is unlike any other.