Love Poem: When It Comes...
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Written by: Sandy Schermerhorn

When It Comes...

When it comes to you... heat is always breaking
my soul forever has a deep and an endless aching
my body will it continues to long for only you
my mind constantly changing not knowing really what to do...
...when it comes to you

When it comes to me...

...I wonder just when you will open your eyes and clearly see
if you will only accept it and let what you truly feel finally just be
think about it I've always been right there in you heart, lingering in your should, forever, 
weighing heavily on your mind
I'm the one you never have been able to completely leave behind
I'm your ever aching need
and you hat to let those urges be free...
...when it comes to me

When it comes to us... each other we've always had so much trust
a passion that has never known no boundries or any kind of end
so what keeps holding us back why do we still pretend
don't look deep into one anothers eyes because it may really begin again
then stopping it well we both now know that it stopping just will not take place
so this is your way for the moment save face
But our love for the other no one could ever make stop on a dime or crush...
...when it comes to us

When it comes down to it...

...the fire between us was long ago lit
And it's not about who's right or wrong
don't you see from what we have we can't pick up and continue to move on
it's never to late to try
because if we don't we will always and forever be left to wonder why
lighting that fire that part was easy
keeping that flame they say is the trick
but that's what you and I have done...
...when it comes down to it