When Knowledge Is Power
Do you not find it strange,
Even slightly ironic,
That in a time when knowledge is king,
A living beast that that we seek to tame,
So, we can reach the top of the heap,
A quest that so obsesses us that we even seek it in our sleep,
And start our children on the this never-ending quest before they can walk,
Without the freedom that knowledge of themselves,
And what makes them so unique, can bring,
Knowledge that is a prerequisite for entry into the University of Life.
One would think that if this ravenous beast,
Was worth all the sacrifice we are willing to ask of ourselves,
And our family in, order to learn it's secrets,
That we would want to know all there is to know,
About the people in our street,
The people we work with daily,
Those who want to sell us their goods and services,
Or those for whom we have set our sights on as a mate,
Even those who stand in front of the whiteboard,
And those who are just after our vote.
One would think that we out to know,
That it is in the people behind the facts and figures,
Where we will find the answers, we have been looking for,
That will let us sleep easy,
To begin a new day applying our newfound knowledge,
In building a life fit for a king or Queen.