When Lies Surface
When Lies Surface
When the truth is pushed so far back behind, so to forget what happened
The smallest lie surfaces for fear of the reaction to the truth because we are scared.
When fear of the truth occurs, then lies surface,
When lies surface, the truth is nowhere to be found.
Truth is based on the memory, but the lies dwell in the air from the fragile heart.
Yes the heart is far more treacherous then any other.
Lies feel good for now, but soon to dig a deeper hole.
When it starts, makes you sick to your gut. Feelings of rejection to your heart
Smooth talking of the tongue. Lies just like a whisper in the ear of the one who told it.
What happened to the honesty?
Lies based on Manipulation and scandal leaves scars that don’t want to be cherished.
Lies caused by Betrayal are worst then poison caused by love.
When you feed into a lie like the way trees feed by water to nurture the lie is what makes it
grow larger.
Guilty just like pleasure.
The way is lost.
Guilty is the lie that was there
Time will tell what happens next.
Regret from the lie floods the hearts when it’s in the air.
Guilty lies is the feelings
The slandered name is affected. Move on with the truth when the lie is left behind
Let’s show the scars we bought upon ourselves
The broken hearts we are responsible for.
I mend the broken hearts on the fences that I caused.
I understand what I did; I blame myself for the pain of the first lie
But i dont blame myself for I pity the lie you stated.
Truth be told you will see the broken hearts your responsible for.
Not just mine but Gods first. Then yours and your family’s at that.
You will realize your lies and mistakes eventually,
And when you do, you’ll break someday
I tried to warn you, before you snap
I apologize for all that happens.
Even before it happened, even though it’s your lies
I break away,
I care, but when lies surface you don’t have to push because I pull away
Yes I dare to, How dare you?!
Love for you I have is unbelievable but when lies surface then oh well what more can I do
but pity the love I have for you.
The date is over when the lies surfaced.
Let the truth shine in where the lie had surfaced upon me and you.
We are not alone anymore,
Everyone is outside the doors waiting,
Because they know, like I know, the way I broke.
You’ll break away,
When lies surface (someday).