When Love Comes To Call
When love comes to call
Will you open your hearts door?
Or will you keep it shut
For fear of being hurt
Loves time is sweet
If it ends it hurts deep
But why deny yourself
The joy in between
Yes being single; you can
Enjoy life, I know I'm single
And I do enjoy my life
But that's not to say
That I wouldn't love again
I have been hurt once or twice
Before but if love comes to call
I will open my hearts door
I won't deny myself the joy
That awaits inside the realm
Of loves warm embrace
So when love comes to call
Will you let it in? Will you abandon
The fear that one day it might end?
Or will you deny yourself The joy
That awaits inside the realm
Of loves warm embrace
When love comes to call
Will you open your hearts door?
Or will you keep it shut and
Be lonely evermore
Inspired by the poem
(What's my life without love)
By Akkina Downing.