When Love Fades
Like sunset after a golden sunrise.
A steady caress of darkness,
Enveloping every available light.
The squeezing of warmth from a bubbling soul.
Just as weeds appear at the break of dawn,
Products of seedlings of discord planted in the middle of the night.
Cracks don’t just appear overnight on an edifice,
The develop overtime due to neglect.
Whenever I look in the mirror I remember the folly of yesteryears.
Times when I thought I was invincible and love was a mere pastime.
Years when I thought love had nine lives.
Until I used it up in one swoop and wrote my emotional epitaph.
It starts with the sudden flight of laughter.
Little things magnified into mountains because of egos.
Rooms for reasoning replaced by daggers drawn.
Self acclaimed warriors on the battlefield of folly and regrets .
I have been groping in the dark looking for something with even one life
Only a few have been given a second chance.
Treat love tenderly before it migrates to pastures greener.
Invest in what matters before it fades.