When Love Gets Betrayed
Would you imagine my shame
At the sight of my blame
To your love, my sweetheart
To that which caused us to part
Could you feel my pain
At that moment of black stain
When your lips shattered our sanctity
A marriage it was, based on sincerity!
O horrible truth! Harsh facet of life
Of what use is being your wife
When your heart beats in her arms
And blind are your eyes for my charms?
Never thought I such a blasphemy
Would befall our own matrimony
Pray let me show mercy
Pray let me forgive you truly
Impossible it becomes when the thorns
Prick my whole essence to make me become like forlorns!
Better it is to go each on our way
And let life guide us on a new alley!
Love, why do you become ephemeral
Why are you sometimes unreal
O Life do you have to be so cruel
Shall I ever dare to be once more affectional?!