Love Poem: When Love Stays
Tamiviolet Manchas Avatar
Written by: Tamiviolet Manchas

When Love Stays

I feel the safety of your strong arms wrapped around the small of my back; your 
kiss, so tender, consummates our love in a room pervading of soft, rock music, 
pink champagne and...

countless white candles.

We dance slowly, and I hear your belt buckle fiercely slap against the mirror as 
faded blue jeans fall to the floor; I taste your sweat and know that you belong to 

because you want to.

My fingers caress your thick black hair as you sleep ~so peacefully, and I smile 
when recalling how I fought your love in the beginning, refusing to feel that much 

but changed my mind.

                                                         I trusted...

                                                                                                            just one more time.