When Our First Kiss Up To the Heavens Soared
When our first kiss up to the heavens soared,
An ardent passion swirled around the air.
With no sense of time—neither here, nor there—
A bond was formed, and faith in love restored.
With the kind permission of the good Lord,
Our lips softly met with the upmost care.
I gently ran my fingers through your hair
To ensure you felt treasured and adored.
As we held each other in our embrace,
Our frames began to feel dizzy and weak—
We felt the work of a higher power.
Once we separated, I touched your face,
Running my hand down the side of your cheek—
Your warm skin felt tender as a flower.
Making sadness cower,
Our eternal love then began showing—
And both of our faces kept on glowing.
We parted, both knowing
The night can be cold in so many ways—
But the warmth of our kiss lasted for days.
© 2023