When Sorry Isnt Enough
I know I hurt you badly
I was hurting too
I never should have left
But what’s done is done
I would give anything to go back
To hold you tight
To never let go
To tell you I love you once more
I thought I was doing the right thing
Even though it was completely wrong
You got to experience what I never will
For that, I am grateful
You got to be a parent
And now a grandparent
I never will
That emptiness is eternal
When we reconnected
I was over the moon
Now I’m completely heartbroken
But it’s not because of you
I did it to myself
Hoping you could forgive me
If it painful to hear from me after 30 years
That wasn’t my intention
I had to reach out to you
Maybe that was selfish of me
My heart belongs to you
My soul aches for you
But I get it
I understand
Sometimes sorry isn’t enough
And I have to live with that
I wish you peace
I won’t push anymore