Love Poem: When Will It End?
Kesha Mashaw Avatar
Written by: Kesha Mashaw

When Will It End?

The only word that echoes in my mind
Searching for the words to say
Are the only ones I can't find

My heart is left with a gaping hole
That can never be refilled
The love that once flew so free
Is the love that they all killed

People used to be so jealous
Now they drive us apart
He is here; I am there 
And I'm left with a bleeding heart

I lay wretched on the floor
My tears resolved on my face
His love for me is gone
And I scream in this empty place

You don't know how much I hurt
And you never will
Because my love is gone
And it is because you kill

My soul wanders with the dead
My heart sinks like a rock
But it couldn't stay afloat
No matter how hard it fought

The memory I keep seeing
Is of the face that dragged me down
His lies are his only truth
As he laughed and watched me drown

I try to resurface
From the pain and from the grief
And life is left to wallow 
In the place of gnashing teeth

Touching is impossible
And recovering is a loss
In my sea of tears and despair
Is where the waves do toss

And dark unwanted skies
Linger o'er head
As I close my eyes and sleep in peace
In death's unforgiving bed