When Words Fail Me
When words fail me, my shadow will trail me:
A meandering silhouette.
Numerous adventures , we will embark upon
No words will be spoken!
Or unnaturally!
Countries vast with barren lands
Betwixed black chimneyed cottages and
Windswept oceans.
On winged birds, we will fly
Undulating to the wind.
We will look down
And take note of delicate webs
That both the humans and spiders span.
Webs of lace. Webs of networks!
Fragile emotions perfumed
With bitter sweet lotions
Of course I won't have words
To describe these!
In images they will be inscribed.
Beguiled smiles, and veiled eyes.
In stones.
Carved with a scintillating sword.
And corpses: savagely occurred.
In landfills. Cemeteries. And slaughterhouses.
We will pray; my shadow and I
That there will be no more of these
Corpses to come: the savage kinds!
Both of living beings or shattered dreams!
Not in words, shall we pray but
In scents and images and other senses!