When You Don'T Have a Friend There's Jesus
I think many in church neglect what they should do…
"Doing unto others as you'd
have them do unto you."
At first some try shake your hand
and be a friend,
But you may say or do
something that offends.
Rather than reach out and loving
in Jesus' name,
They're wish you’d leave and never came!
One day they talk to you..
Then... They do not.
They pass you by...without a second thought.
Your feel like you’re "mud in the ground."
When you need help…
They're nowhere to be found.
I know it's hard to be in this particular place.
Maybe wondering if you've fallen
from God's grace.
No matter what others may do…
-God wants you to know.
You're in HIS hands...
and he’ll NEVER let you go!
Jesus is there for you--each and every day.
Listen to HIS voice--no matters what others say!
By Jim Pemberton