When You Love Somebody
When you love somebody,
You will love in truth and in deed the way you desire
to be loved by the other,
And you will suffer long and be kind
Until you find that all that that person has and is
is being given to you;
You will not be envious
When you love somebody.
You will both say good words and perform great and small
selfless acts of love,
But you won't push yourself forward to boast of them
Even if most of them seem to go unnoticed or unappreciated
by your significant other;
You won't be conceited or arrogant
When you love somebody.
You will honor and respect and prefer the other
and his or her interests before your own.
So you will not be rude
Even if you're used or neglected by your one and only
for his or her own pleasure and ease;
You will not be self-seeking
When you love somebody.
You may be offended or sinned against with words
or by actions seventy times seven,
But you will not be easily angered
Avoiding the danger and the appearance of dissimulated love,
you forgive as if there's nothing to forgive;
You will keep no record of wrongs
When you love somebody.
You communicate and disclose yourself and your feelings
without fear or disputing,
So you will have no pleasure in evil
Around other people or when you're alone together,
so peace is kept with understanding;
You will rejoice with the truth
When you love somebody.
You will sacrifice as if every sacrifice is but a reasonable gift,
even laying down your own life;
You will always protect the person
And never reject the person, neither regret nor forget the vows
you've promised in truth and honesty;
You will always believe in the person
When you love somebody.
You will walk by faith and not by sight until you're like-minded
and have the same love for one another,
So you will always hope
And learn to cope and bear the infirmities of the weaker one
until there comes a change;
You will always persevere
When you love somebody.
You will be strong, showing the way love ought to be;
knowing you're not perfect, but striving
You will conquer and overcome evil by doing good
And love the way love would, knowing full well that
without the power of love you cannot love;
You will always endure for the future set before you
When you love somebody.
You will have faith, hope and never be put to shame
because love will never fail.