When You Said Hello
Walls I thought I'd never climb crumbled,
For behind them stood a most beautiful flower.
To think just rain made you grow amazed me,
Those tears you'd suffered making an angel.
Never gave my life yet that day I offered it to you,
Willing to die for this lovely paradise I had found.
Actually looked at love staring back at me for first time;
Funny how one four letter word greeted me with such joy.
That thing evil seeming so tiny after simply meeting you,
Seeing how it always cowered so sadly in dark corners.
Not one single day going by now I don't think of you,
Knowing you never left me and are only waiting for me.
I vowed to you with your last breath I would catch up,
And that promise your loving knight will truly keep.
Riding to you on a stallion of passionate white light,
My everything soaring forever to eternally say hello.
Copyright © 2014 Robert William Gruhn - All Rights Reserved
"A poem to me is the essence of any thought,
Being built from its foundation into tower scraping sky.
It can fly like no other bird to places never seen,
Even spaceships can only dream of taking its place."
© 2014 Robert William Gruhn