Love Poem: When You Take My Heart

When You Take My Heart

When you take my heart 
please hold it gently,
When you take my heart 
treat it like your own.
When you take my heart 
please keep it with you,
For my heart doesn’t 
like to roam.
Whisper when you 
speak about me,
Don’t let my heart hear 
things it shouldn’t hear.
My heart was always 
treated gently,
So treat my heart 
with tender loving care.
Other people tried 
to win my heart dear,
They tried to tell my heart 
they loved me too.
But you know my heart wouldn’t listen,
For my heart wanted only you.
So when you take my heart “Please hold it gently”
When you take my heart 
treat it like your own.
When you take my heart 
please keep it with you,
For my heart couldn’t find a better home.
So when you take my heart please…..…hold it gently.
 <<< Cal Bambi " The word artist" ©riginal >>>
                  I paint pictures with words.