When You Whisper
The word, the same word you often whisper,
Takes me where sweet dreams murmur,
Analyzed all in the heart, I eagerly listen,
And thoughts of pleasant days never lessen,
And pulses of warm sighs in mind glisten,
Swifter than passionate stormy guesses,
Haunted by the joy the heart never misses,
I think of you, my tender heart and mind,
My love and friend and best my soul can find.
I have, at a gentle time, your beauty received,
Brave and charmed, my soul adored you,
In every temper following your fragrance clue,
To each born hour, wherever I can view
Your beauty aging, passing years on bare feet,
No other sight can ever have more delightful beat,
In my chest, throbs of kindled sensation on fire,
Unchanging ardor mingles with your own desire.