Whenever In Doubt!
When you start to feel lonely and a little blue.
Just think of these words I've written for you.
Lips pressed gently against your ear,
I love you escapes for you to hear
When you feel sadness and thoughts start to change
Remember our dreams that were planned to challenge,
When you're lying in bed and just can't sleep
feel my heart it's yours to keep
Remember my smiles and what they were about
Just focus on fact whenever in doubt.
Anything else is simply not real
listen to your heart it hears how I feel
If you get tempted and start debating,
be reminded again for you I am waiting.
When thoughts run wild and you start to wonder
The sun always shines after the thunder.
When it gets hard and you want to give in
Despite all opposition love can win.
Hold your head up high
feel the rain through the drought
Remember my love whenever in doubt.