Love Poem: Where are we going
Hilo Poet Avatar
Written by: Hilo Poet

Where are we going

I give the former partnered portrayals
to the educated minds as their guess.
I take the latter severed betrayals
then divide and conquer as I play chess.

Astrology boards, travel promises,
a Queen amidst Knight's saber sword fighting,
Space Ghost, Klatu, Spock, Vader, Robinsons,
Hollywood's castling Stars, Sci-Fi sighting.

Theology teaches God is divined,
one man, one woman, one watery end.
Prophets, Disciples, Savior of humankind,
Second Coming, Afterlife, we'd Transcend.

Imagine our lives, checkmate--game over,
The Word of God, stalemate--live forever.