Love Poem: Where Are You
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Written by: Ronald Bingham

Where Are You

Do you know of a love that never ends?
    It is the love from our heavenly Father, one with a promise He will never 
It is as pure as the brightest of lights.
   One that will lead us through our darkest of nights.
What is the cost to receive such joys, such delights?
   Follow and obey His word, for Jesus, He is the light.
He never leaves you no matter what.
   He is the answer to whatever problem you think you’ve got.
He’s more than just a friend.
    But you have to ask our Savior in.
He won’t step in or interfere.
    Unless you want our Savior near.
If you have lived a life of sin.
    It’s never too late to invite Him in.
Jesus will forgive the things we’ve done.
   But we must confess to our Fathers Son.
I praise Him for the chance he gave to me.
   So far gone I could not see.
Till I gave it to Jesus, the One who set me free.
   People without Jesus, WHERE WOULD WE BE?