Where Has Romance Gone
Where has romance gone, seems so far away,
Memories need to be brought back in sight,
The sultry nights with my black negligee,
Quiet dinners spent over candle light,
You’d call just to see if I was alright.
So turn off your phone and let’s reminisce,
Let’s talk about love and what we miss.
There are reasons why sparks begin to dim,
Long and hard workdays makes us short of time,
The children’s schedule is filled to the brim,
Oh the fun times when we were in our prime,
Now up past eleven, seems like a crime.
We’ll be more thoughtful, plan a weekly date,
Anything you want, just not out too late!
Written by Lee Ramage
August 30, 2011
For Dr. Ram Mehta’s contest
Placement 6th
Rhyme Royal
Placement: Sixth