Where Is the Power of God Today
Where Is The Power Of God Today?
Where is the power of God today?
Are people “too busy” to seek God and pray?
Where are the people of God? His chosen?
Have their lives become “spiritually frozen?
Where are the churches that aren’t ashamed of his word?
Not ashamed to preach it to those who never heard?
Where are those, who aren’t afraid to take a Godly stand?
In the midst of the corruption all over this land!
Where are the people of God out there witnessing?
Preaching God’s word to those who are listening?
Where is Christ bride, without wrinkle or spot?
The bride in love with Jesus and blood bought?
Where are Christ’ followers
who aren’t ashamed of him?
Even if they’re persecuted before men!
Where are they? Few and far between?
Who love Jesus Christ MORE than anything!
I pray that we’re not ashamed of the gospel!
No matter how much this world seems “hostile.”
I pray that Christ’ followers come together as one!
Bringing praise and glory to God’s risen son!
May God’s power cleanse our lives throughout!
This is what living for Jesus is all about!
May God’s truth and power be always revealing…
As it brings to us a new purpose and meaning!
By Jim Pemberton