Where Is True Love
4 letters and is 1 word
But it's ruling the world
Why the love starts with the eyes
As most of us see good looking girls or boys
And we fall in love
We feel our love is true
Why don't we love a blind girl or a boy
Why the love starts with mouth
As most of the boys or girls flirt with their words
And they fall in love
They feel their love is sincere
Why don't we love dumb girls or boys
Why the love starts with physic
When we see a good physic girl or boy
And we fall in love
But why don't we fall in love with a handicapped
Why the love starts with money
If you are rich and most of the girls or boys won't say no
We feel their love is valuable
Why don't we love a girl or boy who is under the poverty line
Why the love starts with friendship
Where we come to know about their choice,character,manners ,etc,.
And fallin love with him or her
We feel our love is forever
But Why our love depend on their character
Why the love starts with a girl or boy
As we say ''I love you more than my life''
And we never care about our mother and father
Why don't we love our mother and father more than our lives
Why the love ends
When she or he leaves you or die and we search for the other one
And again fall in love
But where the true love gone.