Where Lies the Future of Music
A question was asked to me by a Yahoo Music lover, ‘where lies the future of music?’
My answer is here in the form a Poem.
Where lies the future of music?
The future of Music lies in the mind and heart of the people of this earth,
The future of Music lies in the mind and heart of the people of this earth,
So long as the Nature is there with all its beauty and charms, and
Love exists with all its loveliness of youth, joys and warmth’s, and
The longings of heart and cries for love are there and
The agonies of life and pains capture everyone.
So long as there are chattering of birds and singing of Koyal,*and
The sound of music flows in every particle of nature,
Music will continue to enchant everyone and
It would flourish to exist on earth forever.
So long as, we can hear the laughing of a child and
A mother sings a lullaby for its hearts dearest smile, and
So long as Poetry and Love would flow in our heart and soul,
Music will continue to exist in many forms and shapes,
Irrespective of languages, regions, places, instruments and songs.
However only that Music will exist,
Which would touch and move the heart and soul of its listeners, and
Of those who cannot live without Music anymore.
In what shape it would bloom in future?
Would be decided by the new crop of listeners,
It may leave its old appearances to take a rebirth,
Like a the human soul, which is permanent and only,
Keep changing the body, as we change our old clothes,
And wears a new, when the old one is torn and exhausted.
Change and the Music are the only things permanent in this universe,
Having God's blessing the Music would exists always,
But it would keep changing
Its instruments, voices, melodies and effects.
New songs would come and new poets and singers would allure our hearts
New instruments would replace the melodies,
Which charms to day and rule our body mind and hearts.
The only thing which is certain and permanent forever and for ever
The Music will continue to exist, until the end of civilization and earth.
Kanpur India 8th Oct 2010
*Koyal A melody singing bird of India like a nightingale