Where Light and Darkness Meet
Where light and darkness meet
That’s where you’ll find me.
My voice is breaking,
But I know that you can hear
Every word that I speak.
My eyes are looking towards you.
I’m constantly thinking about how you
Would always want to meet
Me outside of church and the words you’d speak
Were too much for me.
I was worried someone would overhear,
But there was only some strong wind around that would make the trees break.
I don’t think you know what it feels like to have a heart break.
I will not accuse you,
But I want you to hear
The wind howling and the trees breaking and think of the first time we met.
What did you first think of me?
I know you’d rather not speak.
The trees speak
And say that there’s only a matter of time before the earth will break.
I wish you would be like the trees and think of the earth as if it were me.
I always think of you.
Let’s go outside to meet
Because the wind begs to hear.
I want to hear
All of the lies you speak.
Where light and darkness meet
There my heart will break.
Why can’t you
Learn to love me?
The trees lean against me.
The wind always hears
All of my complaints about you.
The trees speak
And they are telling me that you’re about to break
Right where light and darkness meet.
Every night the wind howls at me, and then I can hear the words you speak.
I wish you could hear me and listen to all of the tree branches break,
But you can’t when all that you ever do is wait for the light and darkness to meet.