Love Poem: Where Poets Rule
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Where Poets Rule

Everything that is created
disguises a hidden purpose....
A calligrapher writes out his lines
not just for the exquisiteness of the script
but to also convey a meaning.
              Rumi (M. Mafi, trans.)

What is the purpose of poetry,
and therefore of the poet?
Refined prose?
Beautifully flowing style and structure?
Artistic elegance
or truth of content?

Is poetic purpose the meaning of its language
or the art of semantic choices?

Of course it must be both,
symbiotically fertilizing and farming each incubating embryo,
functioning and forming creative language,
an expression of intuited deduction,
refinement toward exegetically known and felt soul-truth
through eisegetical analogy
economy of linguistic order,
principles of languaged left-brained human nature
dancing prancing functional flow and forms
through right-brained regeneratively intuited
proportional and aesthetic octave polycultured memory,
dream-dancing DNA.

What evolves and seeds
plants and pulls
harvests and winnows language,
understanding and learning,
comprehension and mentoring orthopraxis,
ecotherapy and healing
rationality and polypathic sanity?

This optimally sustaining
revolutionary bipolar meaning
for graceful living
and breathing
and healing poetry,
enculturates as metaphysically expressed
through universal laws of language
and cooperative economics,
trans-actively mutual mentoring love,
as words teach us what we think
and thoughts inspire our Way (Tao) 
toward optimally inclusive expression.
Meanwhile poetry evolves physically incarnating
through global dancing and singing
in full octave ringing circles
of energy and organic-spiral dynamic mass,
coincident communion.

Poets conduct dancing lyrics of life through death,
decompositioning regeneration.

Poets prehend self-governance structures
in ways of light more enlightened
than competing partisan pedantry;
which may not be saying much for poets.

Transliterating Laotse on "Rulers":
Of the best public administrators
    The people only have faith,
    prehend, that they exist,
    or did way back in the day;
The next best they love and praise:
    the comprehensively wise polypaths 
    with CQI regenerative well-being outcomes.
The abusive  and tyrannical next they fear;
    powerful fools.
And the neglectful next they revile and ridicule;
    weak and humorless fools.

When poets do not command the people's faith,
Some will lose faith in them,
And then they resort to oaths!
But, of the best,
those wisely compassionate cooperative poetic-rulers,
    when their outcomes are optimally accomplished,
    their full-octaved permacultural design word work done,
The folks all remark, 
    "We have written and told and danced, 
    lived and breathed,
    colored and cultured it ourselves."

It is no more or less feasible
to have a mutually subsidiary 
and cooperative design and development
sociopathic CEO,
than it is to find a wise and holy
competitive hoarder of wealth and power.

Everything that is created
disguises a hidden purpose.

Creation disguises,
yet implies,
teleology as ecological co-relationship.