Where the Heart Is
"Home is where the heart is"
that's what they all say.
Then I'm proud to tell you,
here and now,
that home is where you are.
My heart is with you,
and always will be,
because I love you,
with all my soul,
and trust you mot to break it.
You are a thief,
who under the cover of night,
stole my heart away.
But willingly I love you,
with every breath I take.
My heart aches dreadfully,
every secong we're apart.
I look up at the sky,
and smile up at the stars.
The heart you have in your possetion,
is calling out to me.
calling to me softly,
whispering of a place,
a place that I call home.
"Home is were the heart is"
I've heard it said before.
And I'm happy to tell you,
with a smile,
Home is where you are.